An unusual French word you may hear today - but can you say it? This date is traditionally considered unlucky and a small group of people even have a phobia of it
Aimer, adorer, kiffer: understand the language of love in France We look at the different ways to say ‘I love you’ and how not to get confused by ambiguous variations
How many of these 10 slang French phrases do you know? And, for anyone called Ken, this is why people may smile when you introduce yourself
magazine Tune in to French regional accents - how many do you recognise? We analyse different regions, their accents, and even their different spellings
C'est la sardine qui a bouché le port de Marseille Marseille - a ship, a very big sardine - and a stereotype
Seven words which even French people confuse masculine/feminine The struggle is real, says our French writer Théophile Larcher
Eight English words that you may not have realised come from French From ambulance to coupon, we look at the English words that have their origins in French
Québécois: 10 words or phrases to introduce Canadian French We look at how Québécois differs from French spoken in Europe
How ancient French dialects have impacted today’s English We look at some of the modern-day English words and their roots in an old dialect of French
How foreigners’ errors speaking English can help improve your French Mistakes are often the best way of enhancing your language skills!
Seven podcasts to improve your French this summer Podcasts are a great way to work on your French without having to try too hard
12 phrases every tourist must know before coming to France As summer arrives, here is what you need to know before your summer holiday in France
French phrases that mean a bit, smidgen, touch or hint When you have linguistically grown out of saying ‘un petit peu’ here are some alternatives
Updated: Your tips on how best to improve French language skills From podcasts to children’s books, Connexion readers have been sharing their advice on how to improve your French Poto, ami, le sang de la veine: How to say friends in French France publishes list of French words to use for shopping anglicisms Préavis, piquet, perlée: understand French strike vocabulary
Your selection of ‘funny, bizarre’ English words used in French From snober to footing, we have a bon feeling that you’ll enjoy reading these ‘Qui se ressemble s’assemble’: Our French expression of the week ‘Noël au balcon, Pâques au tison’: Our French expression of the week ‘May contain spider’: horror at language error in French supermarket ‘Payer rubis sur l’ongle’: Our French expression of the week Jsp, Jtm: How many of these French text shorteners can you work out?
‘A la Saint-Glinglin’: Our French expression of the week This phrase is useful for people who tend to procrastinate or make empty promises
‘Papoter’ - a charming French word describes having a natter or chat Learn how to say banter, chin-wag and chatterbox in French
‘Déçu en bien’: how to use this ironic French phrase about praise When you are expecting the worst but are pleasantly surprised - we look at the origins of this expression and beware a ‘false friend’
‘D’arrache-pied’: Our French expression of the week We look at a phrase used by the French government amid the disruption caused by strikes at French refineries
‘Faire le mariole’ - how to describe an attention-seeker in French Acting the goat or being a smart Alec, we explore the French phrase to describe the class clown
‘Bâtir des châteaux en Espagne’: Our French expression of the week We look at a dreamy building-related expression to tie in with this weekend’s Journées nationales de l’architecture
An accent can change a French word’s meaning, even in the coffee aisle Avoid this language faux-pas and look out for accents that make all the difference
Rester bouche bée: Our French expression of the week After one lucky woman obtained millions for a vase she thought was worth €2,000 we look at expressions for extreme surprise
‘Chanter comme une casserole’: Our French expression of the week As a range of music festivals take place across France, we take a look at a singing-related expression
Tati, toutou, teuf-teuf: French and its love of doubled-up words We look at common phrases and words using repetition and you share your examples with us
‘Pour des prunes’: Our French expression of the week In the week of a French festival dedicated to celebrating prunes, we look at a fruity expression that can be used in everyday speech
‘Avoir deux mains gauches’: Our French expression of the week This week sees the Journée nationale des gauchers - we look at a phrase linked to being left-handed
‘Un soleil de plomb’: Our French expression of the week As France’s third heatwave of the year gets underway, we look at a phrase used to describe the hot weather
Il pleut des cordes: Our French expression of the week We look at a scenario which may seem like a distant memory for some areas of France at the moment amid continually hot and dry conditions
A bon chat, bon rat: our French phrase of the week Like a cat chasing a wily rat, we look at an expression used to describe two well-matched adversaries
Chacun voit midi à sa porte: our French phrase of the week This has no link with lunchtime food deliveries but rather something that President Macron’s government may experience in the coming days
French language: Napoleon’s ‘Old Guard’ still used in English today A battle cry from Waterloo and descriptions of experienced soldiers - Napoleonic phrases that live on
Do you know this versatile French word for mileage or being stubborn? You may hear the word ‘borne’ when buying a car in France, charging an electric vehicle or even to describe someone
Garabit, gabarit: Do you know what these similar French words mean? One refers to an engineering masterpiece, one is a versatile word linked to shape and space
Ça crame: French phrases to describe when the weather is too hot Discover different ways to describe the heat in French
Là or la?: How an accent makes all the difference in French When it comes to understanding the sense of certain dual-meaning, identical-sounding French words or phrases, an accent can be key
Un chips: When French adopts English words it gets confusing Often words taken from English are employed in their plural form, even when it does not seem to make sense
Au pif: How many of these French estimation phrases do you know? You may know the common phrase ‘à peu près’, meaning roughly, but how many of these other six similar phrases do you know?
What does ‘de’ mean in a French surname: Is it a sign of nobility? We look at the origins of the convention and confusion over its link to the French aristocracy
Gentille Alouette: True meaning of the not-so-gentle French kids’ song You may remember the tune from your school French lessons, but do you know what the lyrics mean?
We get on with French neighbours so why do they use ‘vous’ with us? A French member of our team looks at the subtle differences between the use of ‘tu’ and ‘vous’
Do you know how to say ‘to beat around the bush’ in French? We also explain how to say the opposite and tackle an often delicate subject
Au revoir et bon vent: Nine ways to say goodbye in France Depending on circumstances and situation, a correct farewell can add value to your departure
Guimbarde, bagnole: How to speak about cars in French slang We also look at the origins of the traditional word ‘voiture’
Ça n’a pas pris une ride: How to talk about ageing in French Actress Kristin Scott-Thomas thinks that there is ‘less ageism’ in France compared to countries like the UK and the US. We look at some useful expressions to discuss the topic
The word ‘commode’ has many uses in the French language Here are three ways to use this ‘accommodating’ word to describe furniture and, more surprisingly, people. Justin Postlethwaite explains
Have you ever been to a sardinade or a cousinade in France? How adding a suffix can give a sense of event
La viande: Little-known origins of the French word for meat Everyone knows food is an important topic in France - we look at the etymology of the word ‘viande’ and explain a slang word commonly used to say ‘food’
What is the first ‘swear’ word every French person learns? It is commonly said - repeatedly - by young children starting their first years at school
Pétante, pile: French phrases to help you set punctual timekeeping Learning these phrases can be handy if you want to set strict time frames for a meeting, whether socially or professionally
Convivere, coureurs à vélo: New French words for our modern society Times change and that requires language to evolve too. We look at some recent additions to the French vocabulary.
Tu habites sur Paris? How to use French preposition ‘sur’ correctly This word is often used wrongly by natives and learners alike. We explain the general rules and recommendations by Académie Française for how to use it correctly
Origin of ‘le doigt d’honneur’, France’s middle finger gesture It may be rude, but the worldwide renowned middle finger gesture has a long history
Bouillon, soupçon: Two French culinary terms with other meanings French food terms are often used in expressions that have nothing to do with eating as these two words show
Discover not so appetising origins of the French saying ‘bon appétit’ Surprisingly, this famous phrase was not initially used to wish your guests an enjoyable meal
Quand même: The French phrase for almost every occasion There is no direct English translation for this very multi-purpose phrase
Bâton de pèlerin: double meaning of Macron's pilgrim’s staff This ancient phrase, inspired by travellers, has a double meaning
How do you express irritation in French but in a polite way? This little French word is a true shapeshifter and, in certain situations, a life saver
The history and uses of the fun French phrase ‘à gogo’ We go back to 15th century France, the first disco venue and then wartime Scotland to find stories ‘à gogo’
From France’s Eurovision entry to Harvard: Five Breton language facts We also give you two phrases in Breton with pronunciation tips to have a go
‘Madame’, ‘mademoiselle’: More than about marital status We looked at the history and the meaning behind the use of the titles and how three different French generations interpret the terms
Do you learn French with French films or TV shows? Here are three tips We sample services - including a slow news service in French - that can help learners who do not want to rely on more traditional means and grammar courses
Le Havre, Le Mans: How do these French place names work with à or de? We look at the rules on contracting city and town names with articles and delve into their linguistic origins
Être aux anges and more French ‘happy’ expressions For New Year’s Eve, we look at French expressions to use to say you are happy
Brasser de l’air and more French ‘air’ expressions People in the Rhône-Alpes can now access hour-by-hour air pollution forecasts for specific streets via a phone application. We look at French expressions using the word ‘air’
Il y a de l’eau dans le gaz and other French water phrases Basque peppers swept away in floods earlier this month are being washed up on beaches in the south west. We look at three French expressions with the word eau
Avoir le feu sacré and other French ‘fire’ expressions Improvised New Year’s eve fireworks have been banned in the south of France. We look at French expressions with the word feu
Trois pelés et un tondu and more French ‘three’ phrases A clinic in Grenoble has seen the number of people requesting Covid tests triple in the last two weeks. We look at three French expressions using trois.
Avoir eu chaud and more French phrases with the word ‘hot’ This year has not been as hot as previous years. We look at three French expression around the word chaud
L'échapper belle and more French ‘escape’ expressions A deer, which is the mascot of a commune in Pas-de-Calais, has escaped its enclosure. We look at three French expressions related to escaping…
Le jeu n'en vaut pas la chandelle and more French ‘game’ phrases A limited-edition Monopoly game featuring the south-west department of Tarn has been released. We look at French expressions with the word jeu.
Avoir la gueule enfarinée and more French ‘gobby’ phrases you may hear Lille’s Natural History Museum is said to be starting to ‘have some animal mouth’ after recent renovations. We look at five expressions with the word gueule.
What does the French sign ‘sauf riverains’ mean? A 'Riverain' is someone who lives or owns land or property near a river, but these signs often appear where there is no river nearby?
8 French food idioms for when things are going wrong In France food is not just for eating, it's also for complaining. Here are our favourite food-related expressions to use when the going gets tough
Boire du petit lait and other French drinking phrases With a university in Lille offering a new master’s course in gastronomy, we look at three French expressions related to drinking